
Showing posts from May, 2019

Smart Ways to De-stress Prior To Going Off To Sleep

Every individual suffers from her/his own degree of stress- namely in the form of physical and mental reaction to their hectic work life. When your body is worked up, it tends to release hormones that trigger the body’s fight or flight response. It also weakens the heart, speeds up breathing and tenses up the muscles. Sam Keifler- a health expert in NSW, says;- “The body reacts like this during an emergency and allows you it to respond to actions quicker. So, it can be said that body stress is an important health benefit. However, if the body stress response constantly fires, it may put your health at risk. With the constant release of stress hormones, it could hamper the cardiovascular muscles, respiratory body, its muscle immunity and its reproductive system.” He further shares some symptoms of stress like;- Depression and anxiety. Migraines and headaches. Digestive problems. High blood pressure. Heart disease. Insomnia and other noteworthy sl